Script for radar signal processing
This script requires that numpy and scipy be installed within the Python environment you are running this script in.
Copyright (C) 2018 - PRESENT
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- radarsimpy.processing.cfar_ca_1d(data: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], guard: int, trailing: int, pfa: float = 1e-05, axis: int = 0, detector: str = 'squarelaw', offset: float | None = None) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] [source]
1-D Cell Averaging CFAR (CA-CFAR)
- Parameters:
data (numpy.1darray or numpy.2darray) – Amplitude/Power data. Amplitude data for
detector, Power data forsquarelaw
detectorguard (int) – Number of guard cells on one side, total guard cells are
trailing (int) – Number of trailing cells on one side, total trailing cells are
pfa (float) – Probability of false alarm.
default 1e-5
axis (int) – The axis to calculat CFAR.
default 0
detector (str) – Detector type,
.default squarelaw
offset (float) – CFAR threshold offset. If offect is None, threshold offset is
.default None
- Returns:
CFAR threshold. The dimension is the same as
- Return type:
numpy.1darray or numpy.2darray
- radarsimpy.processing.cfar_ca_2d(data: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], guard: int | List[int], trailing: int | List[int], pfa: float = 1e-05, detector: str = 'squarelaw', offset: float | None = None) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] [source]
2-D Cell Averaging CFAR (CA-CFAR)
- Parameters:
data (numpy.1darray or numpy.2darray) – Amplitude/Power data. Amplitude data for
detector, Power data forsquarelaw
detectorguard (int or list[int]) – Number of guard cells on one side, total guard cells are
. Whenguard
is a list,guard[0]
is for axis 0, andguard[1]
is for axis 1. Ifguard
is a number, axis 0 and axis 1 are the sametrailing (int or list[int]) – Number of trailing cells on one side, total trailing cells are
. Whentrailing
is a list,trailing[0]
is for axis 0, andtrailing[1]
is for axis 1. Iftrailing
is a number, axis 0 and axis 1 are the samepfa (float) – Probability of false alarm.
default 1e-5
detector (str) – Detector type,
.default squarelaw
offset (float) – CFAR threshold offset. If offect is None, threshold offset is
.default None
- Returns:
CFAR threshold. The dimension is the same as
- Return type:
numpy.1darray or numpy.2darray
- radarsimpy.processing.cfar_os_1d(data: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], guard: int, trailing: int, k: int, pfa: float = 1e-05, axis: int = 0, detector: str = 'squarelaw', offset: float | None = None) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] [source]
1-D Ordered Statistic CFAR (OS-CFAR)
For edge cells, use rollovered cells to fill the missing cells.
- Parameters:
data (numpy.1darray or numpy.2darray) – Amplitude/Power data. Amplitude data for
detector, Power data forsquarelaw
detectorguard (int) – Number of guard cells on one side, total guard cells are
trailing (int) – Number of trailing cells on one side, total trailing cells are
k (int) – Rank in the order.
is usuall chosen to satisfyN/2 < k < N
. Typically,k
is on the order of0.75N
pfa (float) – Probability of false alarm.
default 1e-5
axis (int) – The axis to calculat CFAR.
default 0
detector (str) – Detector type,
.default squarelaw
offset (float) – CFAR threshold offset. If offect is None, threshold offset is calculated from
.default None
- Returns:
CFAR threshold. The dimension is the same as
- Return type:
numpy.1darray or numpy.2darray
[1] H. Rohling, “Radar CFAR Thresholding in Clutter and Multiple Target Situations,” IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., vol. AES-19, no. 4, pp. 608-621, 1983.
- radarsimpy.processing.cfar_os_2d(data: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], guard: int | List[int], trailing: int | List[int], k: int, pfa: float = 1e-05, detector: str = 'squarelaw', offset: float | None = None) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] [source]
2-D Ordered Statistic CFAR (OS-CFAR)
For edge cells, use rollovered cells to fill the missing cells.
- Parameters:
data (numpy.1darray or numpy.2darray) – Amplitude/Power data. Amplitude data for
detector, Power data forsquarelaw
detectorguard (int or list[int]) – Number of guard cells on one side, total guard cells are
. Whenguard
is a list,guard[0]
is for axis 0, andguard[1]
is for axis 1. Ifguard
is a number, axis 0 and axis 1 are the sametrailing (int or list[int]) – Number of trailing cells on one side, total trailing cells are
. Whentrailing
is a list,trailing[0]
is for axis 0, andtrailing[1]
is for axis 1. Iftrailing
is a number, axis 0 and axis 1 are the samek (int) – Rank in the order.
is usuall chosen to satisfyN/2 < k < N
. Typically,k
is on the order of0.75N
pfa (float) – Probability of false alarm.
default 1e-5
detector (str) – Detector type,
.default squarelaw
offset (float) – CFAR threshold offset. If offect is None, threshold offset is calculated from
.default None
- Returns:
CFAR threshold. The dimension is the same as
- Return type:
numpy.1darray or numpy.2darray
[1] H. Rohling, “Radar CFAR Thresholding in Clutter and Multiple Target Situations,” IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst., vol. AES-19, no. 4, pp. 608-621, 1983.
- radarsimpy.processing.doa_bartlett(covmat: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], spacing: float = 0.5, scanangles: range | List[int] | ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] = range(-90, 91)) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] [source]
Bartlett beamforming for a uniform linear array (ULA)
- Parameters:
covmat (numpy.2darray) – Sensor covariance matrix, specified as a complex-valued, positive- definite M-by-M matrix. The quantity M is the number of elements in the ULA array
spacing (float) – Distance (wavelength) between array elements.
default 0.5
scanangles (numpy.1darray) – Broadside search angles, specified as a real-valued vector in degrees. Angles must lie in the range [-90°,90°] and must be in increasing order.
default [-90°,90°]
- Returns:
spectrum in dB
- Return type:
- radarsimpy.processing.doa_capon(covmat: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], spacing: float = 0.5, scanangles: range | List[int] | ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] = range(-90, 91)) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] [source]
Capon (MVDR) beamforming for a uniform linear array (ULA)
- Parameters:
covmat (numpy.2darray) – Sensor covariance matrix, specified as a complex-valued, positive- definite M-by-M matrix. The quantity M is the number of elements in the ULA array
spacing (float) – Distance (wavelength) between array elements.
default 0.5
scanangles (numpy.1darray) – Broadside search angles, specified as a real-valued vector in degrees. Angles must lie in the range [-90°,90°] and must be in increasing order.
default [-90°,90°]
- Returns:
spectrum in dB
- Return type:
- radarsimpy.processing.doa_esprit(covmat: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], nsig: int, spacing: float = 0.5) list [source]
Estimate arrival directions of signals using ESPRIT for a uniform linear array (ULA)
- Parameters:
covmat (numpy.2darray) – Sensor covariance matrix, specified as a complex-valued, positive- definite M-by-M matrix. The quantity M is the number of elements in the ULA array
nsig (int) – Number of arriving signals, specified as a positive integer. The number of signals must be smaller than the number of elements in the ULA array
spacing (float) – Distance (wavelength) between array elements.
default 0.5
- Returns:
doa angles in degrees
- Return type:
- radarsimpy.processing.doa_iaa(beam_vect: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], steering_vect: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], num_it: int = 15, p_init: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] | None = None) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] [source]
IAA-APES follows Source Localization and Sensing: A Nonparametric Iterative Adaptive Approach Based on Weighted Least Square and its notation
- IAA-APES: iterative adaptive approach for amplitude and phase estimation
y(n) = A*s(n) + e(n) (n = 1,..,N snapshots)
- Parameters:
beam_vect (numpy.2darray) – num_array X num_snap with num_array being the number of array elements and num_snap being the number of pulses/snap shots. When num_snap>1, beam_vect = [y(1),…,y(num_snap))] with y(n) - num_array X 1
steering_vect (numpy.2darray) – num_array X num_grid is the steering vectors matrix from array manifold. num_grid is the number of sources or the number of scanning points/grids
num_it (int) – number of iterations. According to the paper, IAA-APES does not provide significant improvements in performance after about 15 iterations.
default 15
p_init (numpy.1darray) – Initial estimation.
default None
- Returns:
power (in dB) at each angle on the scanning grid
- Return type:
- radarsimpy.processing.doa_music(covmat: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], nsig: int, spacing: float = 0.5, scanangles: range | List[int] | ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] = range(-90, 91)) tuple[list, list, ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]]] [source]
Estimate arrival directions of signals using MUSIC for a uniform linear array (ULA)
- Parameters:
covmat (numpy.2darray) – Sensor covariance matrix, specified as a complex-valued, positive- definite M-by-M matrix. The quantity M is the number of elements in the ULA array
nsig (int) – Number of arriving signals, specified as a positive integer. The number of signals must be smaller than the number of elements in the ULA array
spacing (float) – Distance (wavelength) between array elements.
default 0.5
scanangles (numpy.1darray) – Broadside search angles, specified as a real-valued vector in degrees. Angles must lie in the range [-90°,90°] and must be in increasing order.
default [-90°,90°]
- Returns:
doa angles in degrees, doa index, pseudo spectrum (dB)
- Return type:
list, list, numpy.1darray
- radarsimpy.processing.doa_root_music(covmat: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], nsig: int, spacing: float = 0.5) list [source]
Estimate arrival directions of signals using root-MUSIC for a uniform linear array (ULA)
- Parameters:
covmat (numpy.2darray) – Sensor covariance matrix, specified as a complex-valued, positive- definite M-by-M matrix. The quantity M is the number of elements in the ULA array
nsig (int) – Number of arriving signals, specified as a positive integer. The number of signals must be smaller than the number of elements in the ULA array
spacing (float) – Distance (wavelength) between array elements.
default 0.5
- Returns:
doa angles in degrees
- Return type:
- radarsimpy.processing.doppler_fft(data: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], dwin: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] | None = None, n: int | None = None) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] [source]
Calculate range-Doppler matrix
- Parameters:
data (numpy.3darray) – Range profile matrix,
[channels, pulses, adc_samples]
dwin (numpy.1darray) – Window for FFT, length should be equal to adc_samples. (default is a square window)
n (int) – FFT size, if n > adc_samples, zero-padding will be applied. (default is None)
- Returns:
A 3D array of range-Doppler map,
[channels, Doppler, range]
- Return type:
- radarsimpy.processing.range_doppler_fft(data: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], rwin: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] | None = None, dwin: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] | None = None, rn: int | None = None, dn: int | None = None) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] [source]
Range-Doppler processing
- Parameters:
data (numpy.3darray) – Baseband data,
[channels, pulses, adc_samples]
rwin (numpy.1darray) – Range window for FFT, length should be equal to adc_samples. (default is a square window)
dwin (numpy.1darray) – Doppler window for FFT, length should be equal to adc_samples. (default is a square window)
rn (int) – Range FFT size, if n > adc_samples, zero-padding will be applied. (default is None)
dn (int) – Doppler FFT size, if n > adc_samples, zero-padding will be applied. (default is None)
- Returns:
A 3D array of range-Doppler map,
[channels, Doppler, range]
- Return type:
- radarsimpy.processing.range_fft(data: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]], rwin: ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] | None = None, n: int | None = None) ndarray[tuple[int, ...], dtype[_ScalarType_co]] [source]
Calculate range profile matrix
- Parameters:
data (numpy.3darray) – Baseband data,
[channels, pulses, adc_samples]
rwin (numpy.1darray) – Window for FFT, length should be equal to adc_samples. (default is a square window)
n (int) – FFT size, if n > adc_samples, zero-padding will be applied. (default is None)
- Returns:
A 3D array of range profile,
[channels, pulses, range]
- Return type: