Useful tools for radar system analysis
This script requires that ‘numpy’ and ‘scipy’ be installed within the Python environment you are running this script in.
This file can be imported as a module and contains the following functions:
- roc_pd - Calculate probability of detection (Pd) in receiver operating
characteristic (ROC)
- roc_snr - Calculate the minimal SNR for certain probability of
detection (Pd) and probability of false alarm (Pfa) in receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
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-, snr, thred)[source]
Calculates the probability of detection (Pd) for Swerling 0 target model.
- Parameters:
npulses (int) – Number of pulses.
snr (float) – Signal-to-noise ratio.
thred (float) – Detection threshold.
- Returns:
Probability of detection (Pd).
- Return type:
- Notes:
For npulses <= 50, uses the Marcum Q function and modified Bessel functions.
For npulses > 50, employs an approximation based on statistical parameters.
- References:
Swerling, P. (1953). Probability of Detection for Fluctuating Targets. IRE Transactions on Information Theory, 6(3), 269-308.
-, snr, thred)[source]
Calculates the probability of detection (Pd) for Swerling 1 target model.
- Parameters:
npulses (int) – Number of pulses.
snr (float) – Signal-to-noise ratio.
thred (float) – Detection threshold.
- Returns:
Probability of detection (Pd).
- Return type:
- Notes:
Swerling 1 assumes a target made up of many independent scatterers of roughly equal areas.
- The RCS varies according to a chi-squared probability density function with two degrees
of freedom (m = 1).
- The radar cross section is constant from pulse-to-pulse but varies independently from
scan to scan.
- References:
Swerling, P. (1953). Probability of Detection for Fluctuating Targets. IRE Transactions on Information Theory, 6(3), 269-308.
-, snr, thred)[source]
Calculates the probability of detection (Pd) for Swerling 2 target model.
- Parameters:
npulses (int) – Number of pulses.
snr (float) – Signal-to-noise ratio.
thred (float) – Detection threshold.
- Returns:
Probability of detection (Pd).
- Return type:
- Notes:
Swerling 2 assumes a target made up of many independent scatterers of roughly equal areas.
The radar cross section (RCS) varies from pulse to pulse.
Statistics follow a chi-squared probability density function with two degrees of freedom.
- References:
Swerling, P. (1953). Probability of Detection for Fluctuating Targets. IRE Transactions on Information Theory, 6(3), 269-308.
-, snr, thred)[source]
Calculates the probability of detection (Pd) for Swerling 3 target model.
- Parameters:
npulses (int) – Number of pulses.
snr (float) – Signal-to-noise ratio.
thred (float) – Detection threshold.
- Returns:
Probability of detection (Pd).
- Return type:
- Notes:
- Swerling 3 assumes a target made up of one dominant isotropic reflector superimposed
by several small reflectors.
- The radar cross section (RCS) varies from pulse to pulse but remains constant within
a single scan.
- The statistical properties follow a density of probability based on the Chi-squared
distribution with four degrees of freedom (m = 2).
- References:
Swerling, P. (1953). Probability of Detection for Fluctuating Targets. IRE Transactions on Information Theory, 6(3), 269-308.
-, snr, thred)[source]
Calculates the probability of detection (Pd) for Swerling 4 target model.
- Parameters:
npulses (int) – Number of pulses.
snr (float) – Signal-to-noise ratio.
thred (float) – Detection threshold.
- Returns:
Probability of detection (Pd).
- Return type:
- Notes:
- Swerling 4 assumes a target made up of one dominant isotropic reflector
superimposed by several small reflectors.
The radar cross section (RCS) varies from pulse to pulse rather than from scan to scan.
- The statistical properties follow a density of probability based on the Chi-squared
distribution with four degrees of freedom (m = 2).
- References:
Swerling, P. (1953). Probability of Detection for Fluctuating Targets. IRE Transactions on Information Theory, 6(3), 269-308.
-, snr, npulses=1, stype='Coherent')[source]
Calculate probability of detection (Pd) in receiver operating characteristic (ROC)
- Parameters:
pfa (float or numpy.1darray) – Probability of false alarm (Pfa)
snr (float or numpy.1darray) – Signal to noise ratio in decibel (dB)
npulses (int) – Number of pulses for integration (default is 1)
stype (str) –
Signal type (default is
: Non-fluctuating coherentReal
: Non-fluctuating real signalSwerling 0
: Non-coherent Swerling 0, Non-fluctuating non-coherentSwerling 1
: Non-coherent Swerling 1Swerling 2
: Non-coherent Swerling 2Swerling 3
: Non-coherent Swerling 3Swerling 4
: Non-coherent Swerling 4Swerling 5
: Non-coherent Swerling 5, Non-fluctuating non-coherent
- Returns:
probability of detection (Pd). if both
are floats,pd
is a float ifpfa
is a 1-D array,pd
is a 1-D array if bothpfa
are 1-D arrays,pd
is a 2-D array- Return type:
float or 1-D array or 2-D array
Mahafza, Bassem R. Radar systems analysis and design using MATLAB. Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2005.
-, pd, npulses=1, stype='Coherent')[source]
Calculate the minimal SNR for certain probability of detection (Pd) and probability of false alarm (Pfa) in receiver operating characteristic (ROC) with Secant method
- Parameters:
pfa (float or numpy.1darray) – Probability of false alarm (Pfa)
pd (float or numpy.1darray) – Probability of detection (Pd)
npulses (int) – Number of pulses for integration (default is 1)
stype (str) –
Signal type (default is
: Non-fluctuating coherentReal
: Non-fluctuating real signalSwerling 0
: Non-fluctuating non-coherentSwerling 1
: Non-coherent Swerling 1Swerling 2
: Non-coherent Swerling 2Swerling 3
: Non-coherent Swerling 3Swerling 4
: Non-coherent Swerling 4Swerling 5
: Same asSwerling 0
- Returns:
Minimal signal to noise ratio in decibel (dB) if both
are floats,SNR
is a float ifpfa
is a 1-D array,SNR
is a 1-D array if bothpfa
are 1-D arrays,SNR
is a 2-D array- Return type:
float or 1-D array or 2-D array
Secant method:
The x intercept of the secant line on the the Nth interval
\[m_n = a_n - f(a_n)*(b_n - a_n)/(f(b_n) - f(a_n))\]The initial interval [a_0,b_0] is given by [a,b]. If f(m_n) == 0 for some intercept m_n then the function returns this solution. If all signs of values f(a_n), f(b_n) and f(m_n) are the same at any iterations, the secant method fails and return None.