Coordinate Systems
Global Coordinate
axis (m):
[x, y, z]
phi (deg): angle on the x-y plane. 0 deg is the positive x-axis, 90 deg is the positive y-axis
theta (deg): angle on the z-x plane. 0 deg is the positive z-axis, 90 deg is the x-y plane
Local Coordinate
yaw (deg): rotation along the z-axis. Positive yaw rotates the object from the positive x-axis to the positive y-axis
pitch (deg): rotation along the y-axis. Positive pitch rotates the object from the positive x-axis to the positive z-axis
roll (deg): rotation along the x-axis. Positive roll rotates the object from the positive y-axis to the positive z-axis
origin (m):
[x, y, z]
, the motion (rotation and translation) centor of the object. Radar’s origin is always at[0, 0, 0]
azimuth (deg): azimuth -90 ~ 90 deg equal to phi -90 ~ 90 deg
elevation (deg): elevation -90 ~ 90 deg equal to theta 180 ~ 0 deg