Source code for radarsimpy.receiver

This script contains classes that define all the parameters for
a radar receiver

This script requires that 'numpy' be installed within the Python
environment you are running this script in.


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import numpy as np

[docs] class Receiver: """ A class defines basic parameters of a radar receiver :param float fs: Sampling rate (sps) :param float noise_figure: Noise figure (dB) :param float rf_gain: Total RF gain (dB) :param float load_resistor: Load resistor to convert power to voltage (Ohm) :param float baseband_gain: Total baseband gain (dB) :param string bb_type: Baseband data type, ``complex`` or ``real``. Deafult is ``complex`` :param list[dict] channels: Properties of transmitter channels [{ - **location** (*numpy.1darray*) -- 3D location of the channel [x, y, z] (m) - **polarization** (*numpy.1darray*) -- Antenna polarization [x, y, z]. ``default = [0, 0, 1] (vertical polarization)`` - **azimuth_angle** (*numpy.1darray*) -- Angles for azimuth pattern (deg). ``default [-90, 90]`` - **azimuth_pattern** (*numpy.1darray*) -- Azimuth pattern (dB). ``default [0, 0]`` - **elevation_angle** (*numpy.1darray*) -- Angles for elevation pattern (deg). ``default [-90, 90]`` - **elevation_pattern** (*numpy.1darray*) -- Elevation pattern (dB). ``default [0, 0]`` }] :ivar dict rf_prop: RF properties - **rf_gain**: RF gain of the receiver (dB) - **noise_figure**: Receiver noise figure (dB) :ivar dict bb_prop: Baseband properties - **fs**: Sampling rate - **load_resistor**: Load resistor (ohm) - **baseband_gain**: Baseband gain (dB) - **bb_type**: Baseband type, ``real`` or ``complex`` :ivar dict rxchannel_prop: Receiver channels - **size**: Number of receiver channels - **locations**: Location of the Rx channel [x, y, z] m - **polarization**: Polarization of the Rx channel - **az_angles**: Azimuth angles (deg) - **az_patterns**: Azimuth pattern (dB) - **el_angles**: Elevation angles (deg) - **el_patterns**: Elevation pattern (dB) - **antenna_gains**: Rx antenna gain (dB) **Receiver noise** :: █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ +-------------+ █ █ | Rx Antenna | █ █ +------+------+ █ █ | n1 = 10*log10(boltzmann_const * noise_temp * 1000) █ █ ↓ + 10*log10(noise_bandwidth) (dBm) █ █ +------+------+ █ █ | RF Amp | █ █ +------+------+ █ █ | n2 = n1 + noise_figure + rf_gain (dBm) █ █ ↓ n3 = 1e-3 * 10^(n2/10) (Watts) █ █ +------+------+ █ █ | Mixer | █ █ +------+------+ █ █ | n4 = sqrt(n3 * load_resistor) (V) █ █ ↓ █ █ +------+------+ █ █ |Baseband Amp | █ █ +------+------+ █ █ | noise amplitude (peak to peak) █ █ ↓ n5 = n4 * 10^(baseband_gain / 20) * sqrt(2) (V) █ █ +------+------+ █ █ | ADC | █ █ +-------------+ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ """ def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, fs, noise_figure=10, rf_gain=0, load_resistor=500, baseband_gain=0, bb_type="complex", channels=None, ): self.rf_prop = {} self.bb_prop = {} self.rxchannel_prop = {} self.rf_prop["rf_gain"] = rf_gain self.rf_prop["noise_figure"] = noise_figure self.bb_prop["fs"] = fs self.bb_prop["load_resistor"] = load_resistor self.bb_prop["baseband_gain"] = baseband_gain self.bb_prop["bb_type"] = bb_type if bb_type == "complex": self.bb_prop["noise_bandwidth"] = fs elif bb_type == "real": self.bb_prop["noise_bandwidth"] = fs / 2 self.validate_bb_prop(self.bb_prop) # additional receiver parameters if channels is None: channels = [{"location": (0, 0, 0)}] self.rxchannel_prop = self.process_rxchannel_prop(channels) def validate_bb_prop(self, bb_prop): """ Validate baseband properties :param dict bb_prop: Baseband properties :raises ValueError: Invalid baseband type """ if bb_prop["bb_type"] != "complex" and bb_prop["bb_type"] != "real": raise ValueError("Invalid baseband type") def process_rxchannel_prop(self, channels): """ Process receiver channel parameters :param dict channels: Dictionary of receiver channels :raises ValueError: Lengths of `azimuth_angle` and `azimuth_pattern` should be the same :raises ValueError: Lengths of `elevation_angle` and `elevation_pattern` should be the same :return: Receiver channel properties :rtype: dict """ rxch_prop = {} rxch_prop["size"] = len(channels) rxch_prop["locations"] = np.zeros((rxch_prop["size"], 3)) rxch_prop["polarization"] = np.zeros((rxch_prop["size"], 3)) rxch_prop["az_patterns"] = [] rxch_prop["az_angles"] = [] rxch_prop["el_patterns"] = [] rxch_prop["el_angles"] = [] rxch_prop["antenna_gains"] = np.zeros((rxch_prop["size"])) for rx_idx, rx_element in enumerate(channels): rxch_prop["locations"][rx_idx, :] = np.array(rx_element.get("location")) rxch_prop["polarization"][rx_idx, :] = np.array( rx_element.get("polarization", [0, 0, 1]) ) # azimuth pattern az_angle = np.array(rx_element.get("azimuth_angle", [-90, 90])) az_pattern = np.array(rx_element.get("azimuth_pattern", [0, 0])) if len(az_angle) != len(az_pattern): raise ValueError( "Lengths of `azimuth_angle` and `azimuth_pattern` \ should be the same" ) rxch_prop["antenna_gains"][rx_idx] = np.max(az_pattern) az_pattern = az_pattern - rxch_prop["antenna_gains"][rx_idx] rxch_prop["az_angles"].append(az_angle) rxch_prop["az_patterns"].append(az_pattern) # elevation pattern el_angle = np.array(rx_element.get("elevation_angle", [-90, 90])) el_pattern = np.array(rx_element.get("elevation_pattern", [0, 0])) if len(el_angle) != len(el_pattern): raise ValueError( "Lengths of `elevation_angle` and `elevation_pattern` \ should be the same" ) el_pattern = el_pattern - np.max(el_pattern) rxch_prop["el_angles"].append(el_angle) rxch_prop["el_patterns"].append(el_pattern) return rxch_prop